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Labour Market

Impact Assessment

Agricultural Stream


A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document which demonstrates that there is a need for a foreign worker to fill a job in Canada. Under the terms of the Agricultural Stream, the Government of Canada requires an LMIA and supporting documentation to be submitted to Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)/Service Canada.


The Admin Barn offers Agricultural stream LMIA preparation and submission for the following Agricultural Streams:



Agricultural LMIA's require all work to be on-farm Primary Agriculture and the employer is required to provide housing to foreign workers.


Temporary Policy: Effective January 12, 2022, and until June 30, 2024, Employment and Social Development Canada will suspend minimum advertising requirements for employers applying for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to hire temporary foreign workers (TFWs) in primary agriculture. Employers are expected to continue efforts to recruit Canadians and permanent residents. However, employers won’t be required to meet TFW Program (TFWP) minimum advertising requirements or submit proof with their LMIA application.

Agricultural Foreign Worker Streams

Advertising Requirement:

14 days continuous in  90 days prior to submission of application


Worker can be from any country


Wage Rate: minimum wage or above


Occupation must be consistent with National Occupational Classification Codes


Production must be included on the National Commodity List which includes:

apiary products, fruits, vegetables (including canning/processing of these products if grown on the farm), mushrooms, flowers, nursery-grown trees including Christmas trees, greenhouses/nurseries, pedigreed canola seed, sod, tobacco, bovine, dairy, duck, horse, mink, poultry, sheep


Agriculture Worker

Advertising Requirement:

14 days continuous in  90 days prior to submission of application


Worker can be from Mexico or participating Caribbean Countries


Wage Rate: minimum wage or above


Occupation must be consistent with National Occupational Classification Codes


Production must be included on the National Commodity List which includes:

apiary products, fruits, vegetables (including canning/processing of these products if grown on the farm), mushrooms, flowers, nursery-grown trees including Christmas trees, greenhouses/nurseries, pedigreed canola seed, sod, tobacco, bovine, dairy, duck, horse, mink, poultry, sheep

Seasonal Agriculture Worker Program

Advertising Requirement:

28 days continuous in  90 days prior to submission of application


Worker can be from any country


Wage Rate: between minimum wage and $27.50/hour


Production does not fall within National Commodity List

Low Wage

Advertising Requirement:

14 days continuous in  90 days prior to submission of application


Worker can be from any country


Wage Rate: $27.50/hour and above


Production does not fall within National Commodity List

High Wage
Agriculture Worker
Ag high wage
Ag Low Wage
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